1962喜剧《侍者和花花公子》HD1080P 迅雷下载

导演:弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 / 弗里茨·盖尔特 / 杰克·希尔
编剧:弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉 / Dieter Hildebrandt / Margh Malina
主演:琼·威尔金森 / 卡琳·多 / 维利·弗里奇 / Michael Cramer / Don Kenney / Louise Lawson / Laura Cummings / Gigi Martine / 安妮·派瑞 / Jan Davidson / Lori Shea / Merwin Goldsmith / 玛迪·拉尔 / Thomas Fabian / Otto Storr
地区:美国 / 西德
语言:英语 / 德语
片长:USA: 94 分钟 / West Germany: 85 分钟
评分:豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 2.8 / 烂番茄 N/A


  The bellboy aspires to be a private eye and is reading a book to learn the trade. The 'suspicious' activities of women in the hotel give him a chance to practice his skills. Surprise! They are representatives of a lingerie manufacturer. To investigate further, he poses as a potential buyer, and the women take turns modeling their wares. This includes demonstrations of how easily the garments come off – making this a film destined for softcore movie palaces in the '60s.

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DUDU资源 » 1962喜剧《侍者和花花公子》HD1080P 迅雷下载



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