Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版

Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版

基于 Windows 11 (22000.556)专业版 (16版,经过16次版本整改优化,周期从2022.4.3~2022.5.16,不下45次反复重新安装和调试,已有百人下载使用)
Based on Windows 11 (22000.556) Professional Edition (16 versions, after 16 versions of optimization, the cycle from 2022.4.3 to 2022.5.16, no less than 45 times repeatedly reinstallation and debugging, has been downloaded and used by a hundred people)

Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版 Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版 Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版 Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版
Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版

完全禁止Windows UP更新,增加微软隐私保护,优化系统更新文件(winsxs),仅保留系统常用功能,系统经过调优(稳定、高效)适合从老年机到游戏爱好者、专业从业者。也从笔记本适配和台式机完美支持!
The Windows UP update is forbidden completely. The Microsoft privacy protection is added. The system update file (winsxs) is optimized. Only the common functions of the system are reserved. The system is optimized (stable and efficient) and suitable for the elderly computer, game lovers, and professional practitioners. Perfect for laptop adaptation and desktop support!   自带360压缩国际版安装包、暴风影音闪电版本安装包、Edge浏览器安装包 和驱动管理和显卡驱动安装、Proccess Lasso、系统KMS服务器、预安装Start11菜单管理和Cacheman优化软件、微软运行库。(自带安装包、软件;无干扰、无广告)Comes with 360 compression international version installer, Storm Video lightning version installer, Edge browser installer and driver management and graphics card driver installation,Proccess Lasso, system KMS server, pre-installed Start11 menu management and Cacheman optimization software, Microsoft runtime libraries, Process Lasso (comes with installer, software; no interference, no ads)

Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版 Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版 Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版

游戏测试 (Game test)

Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版

AI测试  (AI Test)

Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版 Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版 Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版 Windows 11 JiankeSystem (22000.556)专业版 第16优化版

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